Wakanda is a country, albeit a fictional country created in the Marvel Comic Universe, and appears in our databases as a geographic descriptor. The idea and image of Wakanda has become a cultural force with the Black Panther movie in 2018, and as a metaphor embodies both Afrocentric and Pan-Africanist ideals. The “Wakanda Forever” salute […]
Continue readingNote: Y2K and Beyond: Searching the Future, and the Futures of the Past
This is a planet of young people. The majority of people in the world today are too young to have experienced the anticipation (and often dread) of Y2K. Y2K was the moment when all the operating systems on Earth (except the Macintosh OS) would roll over to the date 0000-00-00, and crash. It was the […]
Continue readingDay One: Hello World
[News] Asia Pacific Database (ASIA) Eurasia Atlantic Database (EURA) Middle East & Africa Database (MIDA) Today is the launch of Areastudies.com. Today, Areastudies.com assumes control of all Reference Corp. (http://www.referencecorp.com) databases, with a program of increased coverage, enhanced descriptoring and regionalization, improved relevance engineering and faster retrieval. There will be new databases and extensive improvements […]
Continue readingNotes: Global Descriptors
This record illustrates a descriptor that we classify as a Global Descriptor, or a subject descriptor that will result in a record being included in all of the area studies databases. In this record, that descriptor is “Internet”, Coronavirus, Global Warming, Internet, Oceanography, Offshore Banking and Tax Havens. ===== [Sample Record] Title: “Aramco In Talks […]
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