Names of People

Everyone has a name and many people have several. We always try to identify people by their names, since searching by names is usually very productive, but it is not always easy or even pssoble to determine someone’s name. Potentially, we provide names in several forms. Names appear in records as reported by someone, and […]

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The Pandemic: Coronavirus / Covid-19 / SARS Cov-2

The coronavirus known as Covid19 by the World Health Organization or SARS Cov-2 by CDCm has many names, and many are proscribed. Some of the names include: American Virus, Chinese Virus, Coronavirus, Covid-19 (WHO), Covid-19 Virus (WHO), European Virus, Hubei Flu, Hubei Virus, Kung Flu, King Fu Flu, SARS Cov-2 (CDC), Trump Virus, Wu Flu, […]

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